Wednesday 10 May 2017


1. What does it mean to be an engineer? 

       From my point of view , for me an engineer is a person who does engineering , their work is to 
       design structures for building things for example a bulding. There is one type of engineering that        they draw all the parts of the engine of a car on a piece of  paper so when the make it they have          instruccions to look at while they do it.

Resultado de imagen de car engineer Resultado de imagen de engineer

2. How has been your experience with your team? Has all the members worked?

       I have really liked working with my team as every one of us knew what we had to do , everyone
       had their own idea of how to make a windmill. Out of all the ideas we picked the best and more          economical one as the less material we used the better. 

       In my team all the members worked and colaborated with the activity so everything went well.

3. Have you achieved the goal? What was wrong? How could it be improved?

       I did everything they told me to do, i helped my team stick the things together...
       Nothing went wrong and there is nothing to be improved.

4. Have you worked as an engineer? Why? How have you felt?

       While i was working with my team making the windmill it quite felt like as i was an engineer              because the two university students gave us the material and that was it, from that moment we            had to start planning on how we where going to make the windmill function well.

5. Personal Opinion

      I really liked the activity we did as it was interresting, the two students who came to do the                 activity we're nice people as they were very helpfull at the time you needed help. What I liked             the most is when we had to test the windmills out and there we're some groups that i though they         would of worked better than our one but it turned out that they didnt work.


Monday 9 January 2017

Clean up plastics from the oceans

Clean up platsics from the oceans

The huge problem in the ocean because of the plastics 

- These problems normally happen in the summer time when  there are a lot of people out on their boats ,having parties and throwing  their rubbish into the sea  instead of waiting until they are on land and put the  rubbish in the bin.

Imagen relacionada

- The causes of this is that all the living things that are in the ocean are dieing, because they eat the toxic things that people have thrown  in the sea. The biggest problem is that the animals get stuck in the rubbish and then die because they can't get out .

Resultado de imagen de animals stuck in rubbish sea

Boyan Slat's story

- Boyan Slat was born in Holland on the 27th  of July,he is a Dutch inventor and entrepreneur who creates technologies to solve societal problems.

Resultado de imagen de Boyan Slat

- He is the founder and CEO ( chieff executive officer) of "The Ocean Cleanup",which develops advanced technologies to rid world's oceans of plastic.,d.d24&psig=AFQjCNFdO-9pgU9VpiEOp3_Z3FDuStMT_Q&ust=1484034124396941

- He first started by using a hand made net that he made himself, and what he did was put that net on the end of the ship so when they drove around the ocean so that  it would pick up half of the rubbish  in the ocean. After this project he started making it more advanced to be able to clean it up better.

Resultado de imagen de net,d.d24&psig=AFQjCNF8kjrVQRWdPvxwZhgI_UlW_fwBGA&ust=1484033780299956

Explain his solution

- Boyan slat had the idea of making a large net that went all around the center of the ocean where the current occurs. With having that large net right in the middle where the currents occurs is a very good idea because the current pulls all the rubbish so when it all comes, it will go inside the big net, and with that we will reduce the numbers of plastics that are in that ocean.

Resultado de imagen de boyan slat ocean cleanup,d.d24&psig=AFQjCNH_rDTx0yZVDemR28yZByCtfNqtNQ&ust=1484033543988027


- I think that Boyan Slat did a very good job as he worked very hard to acomplish this solution. If Boyan Slat didn't try to make something, later on the sea would be full of contamination with plastics and the would be lots of dead living things that live in the sea.

- The idea that i had, to try and solve this problem isn't as good as Boyan Slat, because the only idea i had was to  go around on a boat with a large net and grab all the rubbish, but it would take years going around the ocean to collect all the rubbish ,which would not save all the living creatures of the sea .

Sunday 27 November 2016



1. What are phthalates?

-They are additives used in plastic products that increase flexibility,durability and transferency.

2.Where can we find them?

-We find them in common flexible plastic products.

3.Are they dangerous? Why?

-They are very dangerous because, although they are part of a plastic, they can easily escape and get our bodies. We can find them in products that are very close to our lifes: babies toys, cosmetics, food containers,...

4.What are the two young scientists trying to do?

-They are trying to give a solution to the accumulation of plastics. There is too much plastic waste and it will take hundreds of years until it is degraded. Their idea is to break plastics down with bacteria instead of waiting so many years.

5.Give your opinion about their work and their achievements.

-I love people that are so enthusiastic and don´t mind to experiment and take risks. There is a big and important problem all over the world with waste and plastic in particular. The idea that bacterias can break down plastic is very interesting and if it works it can be a solution for all of us.

6.What is an accident? Is always a bad thing? Give some examples of positive results from accidents.

-We usually consider an accident as a harmful, unfortunate and even dangerous situation. But they are not always like that.

-There are many examples where accidents have given the opportunity to know and discover something new.

1. Alexander Fleming discovered the penicillin by accident,and we know a lot about bacterias thanks to him.

2. Percy Spencer, an engineer, was known as an electronics genius.In
1945,Spencer was fiddling with microwave-emitting magnetron when
he felt a strange sensation in his pants.So because of this he figured it
out and i invented a microwave-oven.

3. A Swiss engineer,George de Mestral,was out for a hunting trip with his dog.
He noticed the annoying tendency of burrs to stick to its fur.Later,looking under a microscope,Mestral observed the tiny "hooks" that stuck burrs to fabrics and furs.Mestral experimented for years and inventedVelcro.

Sunday 23 October 2016


·Simple Machines: The simple machines are mechanical objects that helps us    change direction or magnitude of a force. 

There are 6 types of simple machines which are; 

Resultado de imagen de simple machines

- Leverconsists of a rigid bar or beam that is allowed to rotate or pivot about a fulcrum.

- Wheel and axle:
consists of a wheel attached to a smaller axle so that these two parts rotate together in which a force is transfered from one to the
- Pulley: is simply a collection of one or more wheels hich you loop a rope to make it easier to lift things.

- Inclined plane:
is a flat supporting surface tilted at an angle, with one end higher than the other, used as an aid for raising or lowering a load

- Wedge:
is used to separate two objects or portions of an object, lift up an object, or hold an object in place.

- Screw:
is a mechanism that converts rotational motion to linear motion, and a torque to a linear force.

·Simple Machines i use in my dialy life

We all do work in our daily lives and we all use simple machines every day.
I normaly use these 4 simple machines that is the fridge,microwave,dishwasher and the oven.

·Transmission of movement

1.Linear motion: moving one way in a straight line

2. Reciprocating motion: 
moving backwards and forwards in an aro

3. Oscillating motion: 
moving backwards and forwards in an aro

4. Rotary motion: moving in a circle

Rack and Pinion

Gears are used to turn rotary motion into linear motion.
The pinion is turned to move a flat gear.

Resultado de imagen de rack and pinion

Worm drive and worm wheel

It changes the direction of rotation through 90º. The worm drive has only one tooth so it rotates faster than the worm wheel.

Resultado de imagen de worm drive and wheel drive

Bevel gears

It changes direction of rotation through 90º. The teeth are angled at 45º so the gears fit together at right angles.

Resultado de imagen de bevel gears

Is a device designed to transform input forces and movement into a desired set of output forces and the movement.

· Cams

Is a rotating or sliding piece used especially in transforming rotary motion into linear motion or vice versa.

Resultado de imagen de simple machines cams
· Gears

Gears are wheels with teeth that can either increase the speed of a machine or its force,but not both at the same time.

Resultado de imagen de simple machines gears

The pulley is really a wheel and axle with a rope or chain attached. A pulley makes work seem easier because it changes the direction of motion to work with gravity.

Resultado de imagen de simple machines pulley that move

·Uses of mechanisms in our daily lifeThe mechanisms that i use in my daily life are:

1. The Bicicle: The mechanism that the bicicle uses is called GEARS.

The gears does the function of rotating the wheel so we can move.

2. The Car:In the engine there is a gear that allows the engine to function and a us to drive the car.

·Personal Interests

My personal interest and hobby is Music. I have my own drum set and drum room. I have been playing drums since i was the age of 7 as i liked it that much. I have only been 2 years in a drum school as i want to from my own band.

Sunday 9 October 2016


Hi my name is Adam,im 15 years old and i live in a turism town called SaComa.
Tecnology is one of my favouruite subjects i love doing things on the computers, such as Powtoons ¡They are great!

In Tecnology clases we started doing a powtoon of our favourite inventions,things we would have liked to discover now and in the future and what do we think tecnology is about.
I have enjoied doing this work on the powtoon because we get to desing our slides the way we want.